
(Also, this picture was in school a couple months ago and I absolutely lost my composure… so many memories)

It seems that everything I have done lately has resulted in breaking a previously made promise, whether it be to myself or to others. Maybe it’s the promise that I will go to work 5 minutes early, I will be nicer to my co-workers, I will study harder, I won’t let my students bother me so much, I won’t eat another choco-pie when I am sitting all alone in my apartment while watching a marathon of backlogged TV episodes of my favorite shows and no one is going to know but I’ll know and…, well, you get the point. This remarkable penchant for failing at self-imposed boundaries reveals a stunning weakness of spirit and will that I am slightly unsettled by. However, in this case, it has not resulted in disappointment and self-loathing, but in a most wondrous and exciting happenstance: this blog post. This is not in the aforementioned chronological-transcription of events that I said would happen for my blog posts since I have rediscovered time and energy (but never the talent!) necessary to resume a few weeks ago. Instead, I again break tradition to tell you of my recent joy in life.

You are as-of-yet unaware with my heightened stress levels that the last month has subjected to my life, but I assure you that, through many failings of my own, I have come to a point in my life where I need to de-stress. For a quick summary: tomorrow my walls will be stripped and re-papered to remove the copious amounts of black mold peppering it, work has gotten steadily more oppressive with it’s micro-managing, the semester is winding down and the new one begins on Monday in all of its glory, I’m trying to juggle three online courses (none of which are for credit, just personal enrichment. So, really, I’m just a nerd), I’m trying to keep abreast with TV shows and movies and friends and this blog, and I am trying to think about life after my contract. Plus, being separated from loved ones and your biggest support structure while constantly subjected to the brutal perspective that you are not worthy of respect or are not deserving of even a modicum of decency is a little stressful for me. Nevertheless, as the great Freddy Mercury said, “I consider it a challenge before all human race and I never lose!”


Which brings me to the excitement with which I am currently imbued. As many in the fantasy realm are aware, a monumental chapter in history was closed with the release of A Memory of Light, also known as “that last F*&%ing book in the Wheel of Time Series.” I promised myself that I wouldn’t go all “nerd/geek/loser” over it, but now that it is sitting in front of me… GAH! THE CULMINATION IS HERE! THE 14TH BOOK! I CAN REEEAAAADDDDD!!!

*Achem* Excuse me. That’s been trapped in there a while. SOOOooooOOOoo, I’m going to go start that. I have 909 pages of sheer literary bliss to wander through in mind-reeling amazement. I don’t know if you can tell, but I am incredibly excited about this. This is my way of relieving stress. This is my way of righting my listing world. This is how I justify not sleeping at night. Now if only I can convince my bosses that I can give all my kids essays while I read in school…

Space for the create commenting!