Life Update

Well, hey there. I seem to recall that we were in the midst of a conversation before I so rudely took my leave so un-announced. It appears that I must once again apologize for my disappearance, but segue into an observation: I have a tendency to write in one month cycles. I go 3 or 4 weeks without any writing pangs, but then I try to divest myself of as many written words as possible. Luckily for us, I have many many things that I have neglected to write to you about, which means we shan’t quickly tire of our re-connection. I’ll tell you all the details about everything I’ve been up to in the past few months, but first I will give you a few personal updates so you’ll know the end game of my previous few months’ experiences. (Disclaimer, these are not ranked in any order of importance, they are simply the order in which I remember them)

*Achem!* Perhaps of most recent newsworthy note, I have joined the ranks of the technologically literate (self-deludingly so) with the purchase, acquisition, and use of a new iPad 4. Ohhhh my goodness. I primarily use it to read books (I read the Picture of Dorian Gray right off and have moved onto “Starfish” by Peter Watts, as per Lindsay’s recommendation), however I have also found some fun games, use it for videos and flashcards in class, Skype with better camera resolution than my computer, and multitask by watching videos on it while I play games on my computer. Ah, the life of a first-world, white male and his fascination with gadgets that are merely redundancies (see Galaxy SIII and laptop computer). I dropped a pretty penny for this titillating tablet, seeing as Apple has a limited presence here in Korea, but I feel that it will pay off greatly in the end.

I have survived seven months here in Cheongju, ROK, and I A) have not been detained for public indecency B) killed a student C) been unduly tortured* by my students D) have not once been accused of corrupting public morals E) have not caught yellow fever F) or any other malicious disease G) have not started WWIII H) have not been asked to be the next Supreme Leader of North Korea I) have enjoyed some delicious crepes and baked goods at Oh La La** J) have yet to go to Busan or a beach, K) have consistently failed at budgeting my time L) started the “Insanity” workouts in preparation for warm weather M) finally made it to the roof of the Avalon building for some pre-class sunshine N) have felt the crushing weight of hopelessness regarding “What am I going to do with my life?” O) got an invitation to my High School 5-year reunion P) and promptly felt confused because WHAT?! IT’S BEEN 5 YEARS?!?!?!! Q) have felt immense pride in my sister for kicking butt down at Vandy S) have been shocked – pleasantly so – by how my brother is doing at Elon T) have missed my parents, not that I’ll ever tell them U) have gained a new appreciation for literally every single teacher/professor who taught me*** V) have re-discovered the joy of letting loose and hamming it up when singing W) have utterly failed at learning Korean X) realized I want to stay a kid a little longer Y) have met some of the best people in the world who are totally devoted to their dreams/travels/jobs Z) have 7 more months to enjoy!

*Point C is qualified since “unduly tortured” is a subjective term

**Point I mentions Oh La La: a fantastic bakery of cupcakes, crepes, and brownies that will soon make me fat and broke

*** Ms. Barlow, Mrs. Volpe, Ms. Merrill, Ms. Hughes, Ms. Hincks, Mrs. Hadfield, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Terry, Mrs. Meyers & Mrs. Dunstan & Sra. Rochefort & Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Pierce & Mr. Scott & Mr. Dion & Sra. Hook & Ms. Pavone & Ms. Buffan & Ms. Cancel & Mr. Stabile, Mrs. Izzo & Mr. Kenney & Mrs. Bucci & Mr. George & Ms. Lavoie & Ms. Amelotte & Sr. Mac & Sra. Chavez & Srta. O’Day & Mr. Collins & Ms. Schnacky & Mr. Lenox & Mr. Carniaux & Mrs. Mallozzi & Ms. Shaw & Ms. Parish & Mr. Petrucci & Mr. Downey & Ms. Harvey, Profs. Short & Swimelar & Morgan & Colbert & Taylor & Harmann & Brumbaugh & Ustatha Shereen & Sorensen & Digre & Crowe & Cockerell & Moreau & De Brigard & Allocco & TSaw & Lee & Lee & Hlavaty & Lily & Mor & Morris & Landau & Ustatha Jaldeti (Apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone)

I’ve sent home enough money to cover my loans for the next 9 months, which means I can now spend money with reckless abandon and still not have angry creditors! This does wonders for the psyche and promises to greatly improve my anemic social life. Well, actually, it may not do much of anything since I have my iPad, my computer and work. At the very least, I already feel more inclined to take expensive trips to experience Korea!

It’s starting to get warmer here in Korea, which means that Summer is nearly upon us! A magical time of warm sun, constant sweating, and the looming typhoon season! Yay! I’m hoping that the warm weather will help get my lazy butt in gear and go running again/get in shape. Even if it doesn’t, I look forward to post-work relaxation sessions in the park or outside the local quicky mart.

Otherwise, I’m trying. My life is settling into a nice groove/routine and I’ll soon be a little more complete when Lindsay gets over here. I’m happy because I’m still in a new place. Yes, Korea is incredibly frustrating and seemingly contradictory/paradoxical, but it’s still fun to get tripped up by the cultural gap. This gap hasn’t gone away yet. I still find new things every day. Yes, sometimes I try to find them and sometimes I try to pry them open until I fall in. It’s a mad world and if you don’t laugh at the insanity, you’re liable to wind up seriously in trouble. I am trying to figure out how I am going to live my life after my contract is done and I honestly cannot say for certain whether this has helped me decide my future. What I do know is that I have a bunch of kids who I need to focus on as much as possible. I’m not going to win any Teacher of the Year awards and I’m probably an Average Teacher at best, but I’m trying. You know that phrase “you don’t get points for trying?” I just want to say that you may not get “points,” but you can get better. Ustatha Shereen always told us that life was about living/trying/doing with good feelings and positive thoughts, which create expanding bubbles of positivity that link with others’ bubbles and so forth until good things happen. I’m trying, Ustatha Shereen. That’s where I’m at: I’m trying.

That’s the news from Cheongju-si. Where all the teachers are strong, all the cafes are full, and all the children defy the average. Don’t worry about us, North Korea isn’t doing anything.

Space for the create commenting!