About Incredible Adventure Jon

HellOOOooooo! I am Incredible Adventure Jon and I am a young, attractive, physically perfect (godly) man embarking on my own Epic to Korea. And, as the heroes of old, I have employed a trusty scribe (who may or may not betray me later in effort to curry favor with an enemy of high power) to chronicle my deeds to share with the world. No word yet as to whether or not there will be glorious songs and fire-tales, but I am negotiating.

This blog is meant as the primary method of information dissemination for my travels while teaching in Korea. If you want to know what I have been up to, try and read the blog (it will be difficult as it is written by someone with a tenuous grasp on English writing conventions: me). If you don’t want to know what I have been up to and simply found yourself on this page by accident, then you should probably go do something else. I highly recommend stumbleupon.com or clicking “Random Article” on Wikipedia. You’ll learn a lot and have fun doing it (Look at you learning!)! Or you could always play outside, but it seems you already made that sacrifice when you somehow made it to this page, so why change course now?

Please feel free to comment on posts as this makes it far less about me trying to figure out what to write about and becomes more about what people want to hear. And if you really feel the need to talk to me, you can email me, facebook me, Skype me, or otherwise get in contact with me through any other medium I haven’t thought of (although smoke signals, while displaying vast intelligence and skill, are impractical at such distances).

Space for the create commenting!